Neptune Frost

Anisia Uzeyman and Saul Williams / Rwanda / 2021 / 105 min / English subtitles
Sunday October 8 at 14.30, Gasverket, Torsgatan 22
Film brunch in collaboration with Trans Fest Stockholm

Neptune Frost is a mesmerizing afro-futurist science fiction musical film exploring neo colonialist power structures as well as queer identity and love, tied together with stunning visuals and transcendent soundscapes in a borderland between dream and reality. This sci-fi odyssey follows the electrifying journey of a young hacker named Neptune and their relationship with Matalusa, the coltan miner revolutionary and his mystical collective of rebels. Embark on a voyage where binary code mingles with stardust, and the rhythm of the heart harmonizes with the pulsating energy of the universe.

Please join us for a cozy, magical community film brunch, where you can discuss the film’s cosmic themes and forge connections with fellow queer cinephiles.