Queer experiences from the pandemic.
The pandemic hit hard world-wide and especially towards already exposed groups, nonetheless the queer community. When the economic focus is re-structing itself it directly effects the minorities of the society, and they will be set aside. In a community where the very essence of its purpose is about to be confirmed, mirrored and seen and create a strong bond of togetherness, the past years isolation quickly led to social and mental depression among its members.
Sure, there is digital platforms that has been used in some amount, but it has been clear that it can never replace the power that lies in the confirmation that comes with real human interactions in physical meetings. To see and to be seen is essential for many groups and that is why it is so important to document how this isolation affected us as a community and as individuals.
In this project we aim to create an international archive about the LGBTQ-persons experiences during the pandemic. The idea of creating this archive is to reflect the diversity that is among the queer community in different countries, both in its content and in the aesthetic expression. Therefore, we are very happy that many queer communitys around the world is contributing to share and tell their stories with us!