Contemporary Swedish Queer Shorts

Tuesday Oct 5 at 17.30, M/S Borgila

Get to know some of the most interesting Swedish filmmakers of today.

Cycle One
Serge Garcia / Sweden / 2021 / 10 min
A drifter wanders the streets as a current of queries invites the viewer to consider daily existence. Embedded in its all-question format are ideas and emotions that can measure the gap between our moral compass, social consciousness, libido, and existential dread. Cycle One is a screen adaptation of the audacious novel The Interrogative Mood by Padgett Powell. Perhaps the author’s most bold, the book is like none other: it is composed entirely of questions. By embedding Powell‘s mix of wry humor and philosophical and absurd queries, the film challenges the conventions of narrative cinema in much the same way the Interrogative Mood challenges those of the novel. Starring Rufus Backman Ossandón as Chica de la calle.


Space is Quite a Lot of Things
August Joensalo / Sweden / 2021 / 11.30 min
Curiosity about a world without gender sets a journey through a world of jellyfish and disco uncles, creating space for four trans people to share how they relate (or not) to their own gender, imagine visions of their own queer utopia, and reveal whether gender can be felt in your toes.


Sugar Oil Pine Water
Tove Pils / Sweden / 2021 / 14 min
A group of queers in northern Sweden are summoned to perform the ritual of the lesbian odyssey. They are united by queer experiences and dreams and by their relationship to the north. Because desire matters. Because place defines.

A tribute to those who have gone before, who walk beside, who have our backs. Those who have made and make it possible for us to live our lives. 

Pine needles for the wild longing for freedom within us
Oil for queer desire
Sugar for friendship
Water because we all belong together
This ritual because we need to take care of each other


Maria Åkesson / Sverige / 2021 / 5 min
Agnes, an older women is carying a heavy back through the city from morning to night. When she comes to a small forest she stops to say goodbye. Farewell is a story about life and death and about following your heart.


Death Is My Pronoun
Zafira Vrba Woodski / Sweden / 2021 / 14 min
Being trans is a matter of life and death.
Yet, I’ve never met a trans person who is afraid of death.
Death is my pronoun takes you on a journey from the 17th century Witch Trials up until today, and gives a glimpse of the future.