Watch all films or just one favorite?
Select your tickets here!

Buy your tickets today trough or pay with Swish on location during the festival. We are a cash free festival and do not accept cash, sorry!

Single ticket for one film or performance. Price 8o SEK.

The festival pass gives you access to all films and performances on a first come first served basis. Access is subjected to space but there are always a bunch of reserved seats. Price 350 SEK.

The weekend pass gives you access to all films and performances October 6-8, on a first come first served basis. Access is subjected to space but there are always a bunch of reserved seats. Price 250 SEK.

This ticket gives you access to the whole program at Misschiefs on October 4th. Price 150 SEK.

This ticket gives you access to the whole program at The Silo on October 5th. Price 150 SEK.

This ticket gives you access to the whole porn program curated by 6film at Gasverket on October 5th. Price 150 SEK.

This ticket gives you access to the whole after work program at Floor 22 on October 6th. Price 150 SEK.

This ticket gives you access to the screening of Peafowl, The Indie Kiki Ball and Bamba Club on October 7th. Price 200 SEK.

Stötta festivalen!

Vill du stötta festivalen med ett ekonomiskt bidrag och på så sätt hjälpa oss att växa och göra vår verksamhet ännu bättre? Cinema Queer drivs till stor del på volontära krafter och vi uppskattar er hjälp. Swisha oss ett valfritt bidrag och märk betalningen med bidrag. 

SWISH: 123 130 07 97
