Call me Lucia

Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren / Spain / 2023 / 125 min / Spanish, Swedish text

Thursday October 5 18.00, Aspen Bio, Hägerstensvägen 100A

While summer in the country looks to be as warm and magical like it does every year, there’s a unmistakable cloud hovering over this year’s family activities. Trying to forge her own method of parenting while waiting on news of a promising job opportunity, sculptor Ane (Patricia López Arnaiz) arrives with her three children (and without her husband) and a lot on her mind. As her youngest child begins vocally rejecting birth name Aitor and nickname Cocó, Ane and her unsettled child search for the language to communicate their needs during this shared period of transition. Winner of the newly non-gendered Best Leading Performance at the Berlinale for its young star Sofía Otero, this deeply humane and thoughtful feature crescendos to a climax you won’t soon forget.