Alba Omega

ALBA OMEGA is the musical poetry of Gothenburg-based Alba Vera Bergeling. Through genre-crossing expressions, she invites you to a painting about the transcendental human experience. Right now the music revolves around the banjo and the intersection of blue grass & shoe gaze.

Anna Konda

Anna konda aka Ervin Latimer is visiting us from Finland and bringing us the most amazing dragqueen bingo-night at the Finnish Institute! Anna Konda is one of Finland’s biggest drag queen superstars performed by creative director and fashion design educator and we couldn´t be prouder to have her in Stockholm.


Hassandra (they/them) is a Lebanese Berlin-based multidisciplinary artist, DJ, MUA and event producer. Hassandra’s artistic explorations deal with themes such as migration, nostalgia, and the body as a queer living archive. They are in Stockholm to perform at Blows stage and we promise you something out of the ordinary.


Parakatyanova is one of the super stars of Athens drag scene and part of the queens featured in this years opening film – Avant-drag!. In Stockholm they will perform both during the opening night and at a special Greek party so don´t miss out!

SerGay Parakatyanov

SerGay Parakatyanov is in Stockholm together with Parakatyanova – both super stars of the Athen Athens drag scene and part of the queens featured in this years opening film – Avant-drag!. In Stockholm they will perform both during the opening night and at a special Greek party so don´t miss out!

Konstantinos Menelaou

Konstantinos Menelaou is a film artist with a strong professional background in art curation and creative production. Menelaou’s film and video work has been shown in festivals and galleries around the world. He is in Sweden as the founder of The Queer Archive festival presenting an opulent short film program!

Robert Moussa

Robert Moussa is the founder and artistic director of Soura Film Festival, a Berlin-based queer film festival which focuses on cinema from the South West Asian and North Africa region. He is in Stockholm presenting a curated short film program and as part of Blow x Souria at Stadsgårdsterminalen.