Thursday October 5 at 19.30, Gasverket, Torsgatan 22


LoFi Cheery is a porn performer, producer, curator and workshop holder. She produces videos and workshops mainly focusing on feminist tentacle porn and has performed in films by Bruce La Bruce, Shulea Cheang and Goodyn Green. Lo-Fi Cherry’s work aims to be educational and to inspire people to think outside the box, following the Lo-Fi Cherry Porno Pics’ slogan: The art to the porn to the people Recently she turned her DIY- theories inward to the local community of independent producers, aiming to set up a structure for management and care of the talented amateurs and semi-professionals working with sexual content creation in Berlin. The project is named Broken House and contains a series of community meet-ups and publications voicing the current topics from the scene. During the fist hour Lo-Fi Cherry will talk about Broken House, her film maker journey and show some of her delicious films. The introduction will be in Swedish with availability for translation the talk will be in English.

After a small break – a perfect opportunity to get something refreshing in the bar there will be a panel talk about sex positive community building. The panel discussion will be held in English.


Zafira Vrba Woodski is an artist, film maker, curator and sex educator living in Stockholm. Zafira is active in the BDSM community since 20 years, creating safer spaces and radical pleasure for queers and trans folks. Over the years, Zafira has hosted Sex Ed-TV, organized a handful of ultrafeminist porn festivals and invented new language for trans anatomy.


Shirley Harthey Ubilla – is a Chilean-Swedish artist and choreographer. She is interested in how projections of gender & racialization are made between bodies.

M aka Mary_deChain – M is a rope artist, facilitator and instructor passionate about creating safe spaces for queers within the kinksters community in Stockholm. They have been involved in Kinkykvarteret at Stockholm Pride since the start in 2014 and are regularly hosting parties, workshops and rope nights.

Butcher Queen is a genderfuck drag performer that through drag, costume and performance works with identity, norms and dilemmas.

LoFi Cherry – porn performer, producer, curator and workshop holder. She produces videos and workshops mainly focusing on feminist tentacle porn and a part of Broken House Berlin.