Fredy Clue Bäckadräkten – Swedens first non-binary folk costume
Thursday October 5 at 21.00, Silon, Åsögatan 119, (Third floor)
Welcome to a story telling hour about Bäckadräkten -Swedens first non-binary traditional clothing.
Dealing with queer issues through folk culture. Bäckadräkten is a folk costume project that interweaves the male and female ideals and norms of the Swedish folk costume tradition into a new type of non-binary folk costume. The artist Fredy Clue is behind the project, with the help of the illustrator and artist Ida Björs and a focus group consisting of young queer people. Now a sewing pattern is presented to continue to develop the craft and shed light on what is beyond the binary. Project manager Fredy Samuel Lundh gives a narrative lecture about their personal journey through the project as well as process, results and values. The performance is interwoven with Fredy Clue’s self-written music from the debut EP Do you want to play?