Exhibition: Mio Elias Halvarsson

3rd to 8th of October at Gasverket, Torsgatan 22

Mio Elias Halvarsson is a ceramic sculptor from Stockholm. Since graduating from Konstfack in 2021 he’s been a member of the artist collective and ceramics studio Drömhästen. Mio Elias’ work involves exploring the natural and unnatural world with queer perspectives on bodies. Lacking a sense of belonging he creates new worlds in which alien, deviant beings can make a home.
-Everything I make turns out to be bodies. Fat bodies, queer bodies. The shapes of our bodies are reflected in the natural world. We look like mountains, oceans, whole planets. The clay is soft and when I smush the coils out the surface looks like cellulite. Everything is connected, makes sense. The chafe comes from without.