Exhibition: Unfolding of the Self

3rd to 8th of October at Gasverket, Torsgatan 22

Unfolding ourselves. Each part of our bodies. Of our souls. Rage, pain and sadness coexist under our skin next to a myriad of other sensations. They never appear in a linear progression, but rather as a dance. A game of highs and lows that pushes us through life. Their effect spanning a day. Or a decade. At times, all at once. As we peel the threads in the tapestry of the self, we weave these emotions into a new fabric; our identity. To dive into our full inner spectrum is to embrace our humanity.

Concept: Daiane Rafaela and Iwi Onodera
Photographer: Iwi Onodera Direction: Daiane Rafaela
Models: Amanayara Dominick, Bianca Tulio and Roberta Alves